June 2016

June 2016


Afternoon Naps

In case you've forgotten what it's like to be fifteen years old...this photo might jog you memory.  Trevor had just returned home from a long day at school and the poor guy has a really difficult time winding down and relaxing!  Trevor is well known for his long afternoon slumbers on Saturdays and Sundays and he is a living testament that children grow most when they sleep.  Just look at that baby boy!


Natalie and Savannah got a goat for Christmas this year from their Dad.  We named her Rosie and the big surprise was that Rosie was pregnant.  Rosie is one of those gifts that keeps on giving...she had three baby goats today!  They are the cutest little things you ever saw...coming from chicken farmers that are very partial to baby chicks...this is quite a compliment!  We are loving these little guys (all boys).


I found a Valentine today hand written on a crumpled up piece of scratch paper on the kitchen floor.  It read...

"When I kiss you it hurts.  Pleaz shave" -Shrimpy

I'm not sure if it even made it into Gerald's hands, but I couldn't resist setting it on the bathroom counter right next to his razor. Thanks for making me smile Savannah.

Happy Valentines Day!